Thursday, May 7, 2020

Do Movies Shape The Way We See Things - 1477 Words

Do movies shape the way we see things? â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† by Kurt Vonnegut has had an impact on the dystopic genre and has gone on to influence many movies, books, and other forms of media. However, for such a prolific work of literature, there only seem to be two movie adaptations of Vonnegut’s short story. The first movie adaptation was Harrison Bergeron, made in 1995, and directed by Bruce Pittman (this will be referred to as Harrison Bergeron 1995). The other movie adaptation was 2081 directed by Chandler Tuttle. Both movies mold the world of â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† into their own while incorporating some of the elements from the original source to create their own unique work of art and enhance our understanding of this dystopic world.†¦show more content†¦His doctor then tells him to visit a head house, which is a bordello, like places where smart people go. There he is arrested and is given the option to work for a secret group of elite sma rt individuals. He accepts and later falls in love and impregnates a girl named Phillipa who then tries to escape and is later lobotomized. Angry at the bureau and goes on TV to expose them, he is then captured and forced to confess that what he did was a hoax, he instead opts to kill himself on live TV becoming a martyr to those who oppose the government. The last movie is 2081 this short movie is like the book except that it added a scene where we see a flashback of Harrison been taken by the H-G men, and they added a SWAT team to the part where the Handicapper General kills Harrison. Harrison Bergeron 1995 and 2081 has many similarities with the short story from which they were based on. Harrison Bergeron 1995 is loosely based off the short story. The first similarity that the movie has is that everyone’s desire to be equal. This is evident with grades in school, a perfect score is a C. This is also illustrated by governors, and presidents being randomly chosen by the Nati onal Administration Center. The need for total equality is also accomplished using arranged marriages, marrying smart people with dumber people to produce children that are average. Another similarity that the movie has is Harrison’s extraordinary intelligence for the time. In the movie, Harrison has demonstratedShow MoreRelatedMedia Influence Mass Media795 Words   |  4 Pageslife, we are in Mass Media and we did not even know it. Everything from you learning to just leisure involvement. The cultural products that influence mass media and has taking part is Net Flix. It has made an impact on the movie business where television can be used to see movies and mass media. Television still has an impact on cultural meanings. It shows us the news, ads, and movies that change when the culture evolves. 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