Saturday, February 15, 2020

Law Dropbox 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Law Dropbox 5 - Essay Example The law governing statutes of frauds help to mitigate deceitful conduct whereby contracts have long durations or high stakes (Rubin 67). The Statute of frauds requires written contracts in the following situations: The oral agreement between Amy and Bob for a strip of land falls under the Statutes of Frauds law. The Statute has exceptions that would favor the plaintiff (Bob). The exceptions state that the oral contract will be legally binding if; Bob would win the lawsuit and have the deal overturned. Both parties complied with the terms of the contract and the plaintiff suffered from the defendant’s promise that the strip of land would offer him easier access to the country road. Burgers R Us may sue Bob under the Law of Obligations. The obligation was a specific real obligation whereby the obligor (Bob) had a duty to deliver 50 cases of frozen burgers (legal bond) to the obligee (Burgers R Us). The contract was a legal bond between the two parties for the fulfillment of a performance. In a case between Houses R Us and Max, the court would rule in favor of Max (defendant). The laws governing construction of buildings require a house to be constructed safely and without causing any deformation that might impair the stability of the building. Max could argue that such regulations were breached in that; the ceiling was too low, the patio did not drain properly, and the load bearing beams appeared to be gradually weakening due to cracks. Max should seek a remedy for specific performance. Raymond signed a contract to sell the 500 acres to Max. Max honored the contract and paid $500,000 for the land. The contract was legally binding, and Raymond did not honor his part. The circus owners would be seeking an injunction in court. The court may rule in favor of the owners providing a preliminary injunction that would require Rudy the Reptile King to raise the standards of his act. The court’s ruling would mitigate threatened wrongs in order to maintain the

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Contemporary Management Issues Report JB HI-FI Essay

Contemporary Management Issues Report JB HI-FI - Essay Example It is through adherence to these values that build a strong partnership of trust between the company and stakeholders. This code applies to all from the directors, chairperson, C.E.O, to the junior employee. JB Hi-Fi as a company respects the dignity of every employee, the freedoms, rights and needs of all individuals. The company strives to provide a working environment that is rewarding, challenging and safe. The company realizes the benefits of recognizing the work of all employees. The company respects all personal and sensitive information that relates to their customers, employees and suppliers. The company strives to reinforce the commitment it has to highest standards of business and professional ethics (JB Hi-Fi 1). All company employees are expected to treat fellow employees, the public and customers with courtesy, respect and honesty. They are also expected to safeguard and respect customer properties, the company and the property of all fellow workers. The employees are e xpected to maintain the confidentiality of all customers, the confidentiality of the company and all other parties’ information that have been gained through work (JB Hi-Fi 1). The employees are expected to perform their duties to the best of their ability; this is taking into account the experience, skills, position and qualifications. The employees are expected to perform their duties in a responsible, safe and effective manner. The company expects the employees and all company staff to respect all sensitive and personal information according to the privacy legislation. The company expects that the personal business and financial interests of the employees to not conflict with their duty to the company and work within the policies and rules of the company and obey the law. When all employees undertake their responsibilities and obligations, the workplace, job performance and satisfaction benefits the company and helps the company achieve business goals (JB Hi-Fi 1). Competi tors and fair competition All company employees have knowledge of commercially sensitive information. The employees must also disclose all significant stakes in a competitor. The interest in a competitor constitutes a conflict of interest and employees are expected to divest themselves of this interest. Fair competition means that the company; Will know and follow its legal obligations to competitors. Will not compete on a basis of obstructing comp0etitive conduct, rather the company will compete on a basis of customer service. This is part of the company’s commitment to management, staff and fair-trading. Will does not differ unfairly between customers when supplying products or Services. Will not refuse to deal or discriminate against, a customer for any improper reason. Not threaten or intimidate a customer, organization or other person. The company does not encourage untruthful or disparaging remarks about any of the competitors, their products and services. The company a ims at conducting business fairly, and competes on a basis of product and services merits. The company also aims at being an effective competitor that acts according to the ethical norms acceptable to the community. The company does not accept bribes, kickbacks or payoffs, in all deals; the company ensures that it is courteous, truthful and well informed. The company ensures that it is careful to avoid misrepresenting the features, availability or quality of their