Tuesday, December 31, 2019

It Changed My Mindset About My Spirituality - 1029 Words

Overall this project was moderately successful, because it changed my mindset about my spirituality. When starting this project it was hard to accept the existence of forces outside myself that could affect me. Forces like god, love, change or fate. The habitual refusal to acknowledging these forces was my way of keeping my spirituality isolated and unchanging. It had taken time for my negativity to convert what was a beneficial view of these ideas into a sterile and safe spirituality. So to protect my sensitive ego from considering that my confusion could be easily explained or even solved by simplicity. Found in common places like bible verses. That existential anxiety was not a symptom getting closer to myself but instead to an†¦show more content†¦While reading, something irked at me as wrong with them. They answered all the questions in the plan, but to me the answers were wrong. They were not going in a direction that I felt would help me care for myself. After reading , rereading and checking the projects direction endlessly the error became clear. I was trying too hard to change a concept that can’t be changed intentionally. Directly trying to change spirituality is like trying to change the direction wind by turning your body. While I may have been going in circles during most of the nine weeks, by reading the bible strictly for the project and without searching deeply for my own personal reason, praying only because it was for a progress report and because of faith or viewing my negativity as something new and devoting so much attention to it during the progress reports. Despite all that, there were moments when the wind blew a certain way over my body, touching something deep under my skin. That thing has been called soul, by Plotinus Poe St. John of the Cross or myself as just another metacognitive strategy to explain what my words cannot. Allowing myself to accept that these great thinkers may have been onto something was healing. By doing so it removed such a weight off my shoulders. For the first time since I was young I felt like I again could be free from the responsibility of being. I could exist as creation, an ideal that under no circumstance could stray too far off the wellShow MoreRelatedMy Autobiography For Spiritual Purposes1621 Words   |  7 PagesAcknowledging my history as a Native American man is critical to my identity. Culture and spirituality have intertwined with history for many members of the Yakama Nation. Through time immemorial, Native Americans connected to spirituality through the earth and they never separated. My autobiography for spiritual purposes begins May 22nd 1982 where I was born into the world half Yakama and half Caucasian. We practiced the Christian belief system on my mother’s side. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

My Favorite Time of Year Essay - 596 Words

MY FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR My favorite time of the year is naturally the time when I have the most fun. To me, that time of the year falls during the December holidays, or rather, it starts during the last term of school. It may sound strange of me to include the period of examinations. But I like the way teachers leave us, students, by ourselves to do our own revision. There is hardly any homework to be done but there is a lot of studying to take up our time. Finally, when the examinations are over, we can all heave a joyful sigh of relief and look forward to the seemingly eternal holidays stretching out before us. Just before school breaks up for the holidays, there are a host of post-examination activities, among which is mass dancing†¦show more content†¦Orchard Road is illuminated with colorful lights for Christmas. I usually view these lights twice; once before Christmas and once after, sometimes cruising along Orchard Road with my neighbor’s family in a rented van, alongside an ordered mass of other slow-moving vehicles. We usually have a good time on these trips, joking and laughing. Programs based on Christmas are also shown on television to add more joy to the season. I never tire of watching the animated cartoons or motion pictures of classics like â€Å"A Christmas Carol† by Charles Dickens. Finally, after Christmas, I have to start buying my school-books for the new academic year. These books have â€Å"off the press† smell which makes me feel that I have to work hard the following year and make good use of these brand new and precious books which no one has ever used before. The last day of the holidays is the end of my favorite time of the year and school starts the following day. I fell excited, but I also know that once school starts I would be caught up with work. However, I do know that the days will fly by so fast that I shall experience my favorite time of the year all overShow MoreRelatedMy Favorite Time Of The Year1266 Words   |  6 PagesMy favorite time of the year was coming to an end, as I had to say goodbye to those worry-free, beach-bum summer days. Summer had passed before my eyes and it was now the start of my sophomore year in college. I was enrolled in a couple psychology classes for my major and a Geology class that would count towards my GE. The semester before was not the best, as it had a negative impact on my grade point average. So here I am again, another semester hoping the same thing does not happen again. I wakeRead MoreMy Favorite Time Of The Year2221 Words   |  9 PagesIt was my favorite time of the year, autumn. I stood in the student section at one of our football games as a gust of wind brushed through my curly blonde hair. The aroma of my friend’s hot chocolate carried its way towards me. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Skills Characteristics of Mental Health Human Services Workers Free Essays

Personal characteristics of a human services professional can be both essential and detrimental for success. Essential characteristics of a professional do not make the job easier. However, they create a higher tendency for the professional to work successfully with clients. We will write a custom essay sample on Skills Characteristics of Mental Health Human Services Workers or any similar topic only for you Order Now An open-minded professional recognizes differences between themselves and clients. They treat those differences with respect and include them in treatment according to the clients’ desires. Judgment can be appropriate in a human services setting. For example, a counselor may judge a recently relapsed client by revoking privileges within a clinic. Patience is the most essential characteristic. A professional must be able to deal with relapses in negative behavior. They cannot let human weakness impede progress. Professionals who choose the human services field in order to help people make genuine progress with clients. They maintain connections that benefit both parties. Detrimental characteristics of a professional do not make the job impossible. However, they can impede a professional’s relationship with their client when unchecked. A narrow-minded professional does not recognize differences between themselves and clients. They assume that differences result from a harmful lifestyle on the clients’ behalf. Judgment becomes inappropriate when it results in ill-informed assessments of the client. For example, judging a mother as incompetent without a full assessment is inappropriate. Impatience from professional to client can cause the professional to rush the clients’ progress. Internalized impatience within the professional can cause a lot of mistakes. Professionals who choose the human services field mainly for money make artificial progress with clients. The quality of their work is usually lacking. On the one hand, understanding both types of characteristics can provide a platform for change. On the other hand, that understanding merely provides a distinction for self-limitations. Aspiring professionals need to have or develop specific skills prior to employment in the human services field. Organizational skills are key to updated client information as well as clients themselves. A personal system – however ordered or disordered – must be easy for the aspiring professional to access and peruse. They must be able to find information as soon as they need it for whatever reason. Communication skills are key to creating connections with clients. Active listening includes physically and verbally showing the client that their message is being received. An aspiring professional must be prepared to create a report with their clients. Their ability to communicate effects the process of their relationship. Professional writing is key to documenting communication with and progress of the client. The aspiring professional must be prepared to use this skill daily. Moreover, other professionals may need to understand the writing. So if the aspiring professional uses shorthand, they must be prepared to provide a legend. Basic recognition of symptoms is key to referring clients to other professionals. For example, a nurse who encounters a patient who seems to need a referral to the behavioral health unit. When questioned, he or she must be able to provide specific rather than vague reasons. Safety training is key to effectively responding to emergency situations. Basic firefighting and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) abilities are essential to potential to saving the lives of one’s self, clients, and fellow professionals. Overall, an aspiring professional must understand how to preserve life until more qualified professionals arrive. These specific skills will not only help professionals develop effective, positive relationships with their clients. They will also help professionals overcome personal roadblocks to successfully carrying out their work. Skills become more effective as they develop. Even an aspiring professional who naturally has these skills can only benefit from continually developing them even after entering the human services field. Primary and secondary education (K-12) teach students organization skills and practices. Aspiring professionals can use these techniques as foundation for adult application. They can take the basic and develop them according to their individual needs. An institution of higher education (i. e. college or university) provides students with in-depth lessons for communication and professional writing skills. They help students work effectively and successfully within a professional setting of various sorts. Many employers in the human services field expect aspiring professionals to have a basic recognition of symptoms as well as safety training. Therefore, many provide continuous training for employees after they have obtained employment. Consistent development of these skills ensures the relevance and ease of their application. It also ensures that the professional will easily recall the lessons when needed. Learning is fundamental, but practice is vital. Actually putting learned lessons to use when applicable ensures ease of use by the professional with continued practice. Constructive criticism measures the effectiveness of practice from an outside point of view. It informs the professional of how their practices are perceived by others. Application of feedback combines learning, practice, and constructive criticism. This assemblage is important to the formation of a successful human services worker with their given field. As long as skills are continually developed within accredited settings, then the specific location of development does not matter. That the skills are developed is most important. Yet, while some aspiring professionals have some difficulty developing these skills, others will have an easier time. They are â€Å"natural born helpers†. â€Å"Natural born helpers† (NBH) exist. An NBH is someone with a set of traits that easily lend themselves toward helping others in the human services field. On the one hand, these traits will develop naturally mentally, psychologically, and emotionally as the individual matures into an adult. On the other hand, the environments in which the individual matures can be conducive in the advancement of these traits. An NBH tends to be somewhat sociable. They can be outgoing and conversational when necessary. Active listening is a skill that an NBH naturally has a tendency toward from birth. An NBH usually develops the ability of understanding in their environment because they naturally tend toward it. An NBH is born with the ability to be resourceful then naturally develops it as they mature. An NBH tends to either be aloof or overly-friendly in response to being overloaded with human service-like needs (i. e. counseling). Drama tends to naturally gravitate toward an NBH because their need to help is apparent. The tendency toward helping many people concurrently leaves an NBH with little time for themselves. As a result, an NBH usually has a reputation as being meddlesome. An NBH needs to find a healthy balance between being aloof and friendly with clients. An NBH must learn early on how to tell whether or not they can help someone. Delegating time between self and others is crucial for an NBH in order to maintain healthiness. Finally, the desire to help should never challenge a person’s desire to be left alone. Some people are born with attributes that either make it easier to work as human services professionals or that drive them toward the human services field. How to cite Skills Characteristics of Mental Health Human Services Workers, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Animal Satire Essay Example For Students

Animal Satire Essay Final Essay12-2-01Animal Farm by George Orwell is a symbolical political satire in which animals take the place of humans. Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution have many similarities and ideas. The characters, settings, and the plots are the same. Animal Farm is a political satire, which was written to criticize totalitarian regimes and particularly, Stalins practices in Russia. The events and characters in the book are comparative to important figures and affairs in the Russian Revolution. My essay will cover the characters in Animal Farm and compare them to the Russian Revolution, and explain why this novel is a satire and a symbol to the Revolution. Old Major was a prized-boar that belonged to Farmer Jones. This character is cast as a boar to convey that radical change and revolution are, themselves, boring in the eyes of the proletariat. The proletariat are represented in the other barnyard animals and are more prone to worrying about work and survival in their everyday life. Old Major gave many speeches to the farm animals about hope and the future. He is the main animal who started the rebellion, even though he died before it actually began. Old Majors role compares to Lenin and Karl Marx, whose ideas were to lead to the communist revolution. Animal Farm is a criticism of Marx, as well as a novel perpetuating his confidence of democratic Socialism. Lenin became the leader and the teacher of the working class in Russias, determination to struggle against capitalism. Like Old Major, Lenin and Marx wrote essays and gave speeches to the poor working class. The working class in Russia, as compared with the barnyard animals in Anim al Farm, were a laboring class of people that received low wages for their work. Like the animals in the farm yard, the people in Russia thought there would be no oppression in their new society because the working class people, or animals, would own all the riches and hold all the power. (Golubeva and Gellerstein, 1976, p. 168). Another character in the book is Farmer Jones. He represents the Czar Nicholas of Russia who treated his people like Farmer Jones treated his animals. The animal rebellion on the farm started because Farmer Jones was a drunk who never took care of the animals. He came home one night, left the gate open, and the animals rebelled. Czar Nicholas was a very weak man who treated his people similar to how Farmer Jones treated his animals. The Czar made his working class people very mad by the way he dealt with his authority and preached all the time. The people suffered and finally demanded reform by rebelling. The Czar said, The law will henceforward be respected and obeyed not only by the nation but also the authority that rules it and that the law would stand above the changing views of the individual instruments of the supreme power. (Clarkson, 1969, p.263). The boar Napoleon can be compared to Joseph Stalin in Russia. Both were very mean looking and did not talk very much but always got what they wanted through force. In one part of the book Napoleon charged the dogs on Snowball, another animal. Stalin became the Soviet Leader after the death of Lenin. He was underestimated by his opponents and they always became his victims. He was responsible for one of the most ruthless periods in history. In was until many years passed that the world found out about the many deaths that Stalin had caused in Russia during the Revolution. For almost fifty years the world thought that the Nazis had done the killing in Russia, when, in actuality, it was Stalin. (Clarkson, 1969, p.242). The last characters that are symbolic of each other are the boar Snowball and the Russian leader Leon Trotsky. Snowball was a very enthusiastic leader who organized the defense of the farm. He gave speeches and instructions, but was not very helpful. All the other animals liked him but in the end he was outsmarted by Napoleon. Trotsky and Stalins relationship was very much like Snowballs and Napoleons. Trotsky organized the Red Army and gave speeches. Everyone in Russia thought he would win power over Stalin. After Lenins death Trotsky lost all his power to Stalin and was expelled from the Communist party. He was, at one time, considered the second most powerful man in Russia. (Clarkson, 1969, p.290). Teen Suicide (sociological) EssayAnimal Farm is a great example of a political satire. Satire is a way to reveal ones perception of life and its reflection by a person. The main purpose of using satire is to attack and criticize the subject. In Chapter one it tells how the author, George Orwell, feels about the novel. It gives reference to the farm and how it relates to Russia. You can see all of the satire in Chapter two. It tells how inefficient the idea communism is and how it does not work; human nature cant handle communism. We are too devious, too demanding, and bossy. Chapter two to the last chapter shows how the novel is a satire and in the end has a conclusion that was shown in chapter two. The setting of the farm is equal to Russia with their bad conditions and a poor good government. The plot shows the same thing, dictatorship never works. George Orwell has made good points throughout his novel. I think he is a very smart writer because his novel was disguised as a child rens novel during a Revolution where if you spoke what you thought about it, you would be executed. In conclusion, I think Animal Farm is a great novel. Not only did I learn about a group of animals taking over a farm, but I learned more about the history of World War one and Russia. Many lessons can be learned by reading Animal Farm that can help prevent countries and governments around the world from making mistakes in giving up their power against their people.